An APPEAL is exactly that, an appeal. You are pleading to the Zoning Board for purposes of circumventing existing ordinances, bylaws, and conformance guidelines. Crying that your appeal was denied is pretty pathetic, especially when it is very likely that they don't actually want any of your community-destroying drug infecting the township. While I personally am not against the use of marijuana, nor do I believe occasional consumption is particularly life-deatroying, the fact of the matter is that widespread cannabis availability leads to a pacifistic and useless population of welfare rats. City planners interested in growing a city's cleanliness, increasing average income per-capita, and fostering responsibility will be hard-pressed to grant such licensing, especially when it involves the circumvention of existing rules, which is exactly what an appeal to the Zoning Board is.
Mostly, you are just upset that you weren't granted a license to implement a non-conforming business so you could get rich off of enabling a bunch of irresponsible losers to self-destruct.
I'm the first person to speak out against government overreach and I do it loudly and often. Even I however, recognize that the ZBA in the Malden township made an appropriate choice for the good of the township. Thank you for picking a location that did not comply with existing laws, thus enabling the ZBA to deny your variance.
P.S. You're conflating the the business licensing requirements with the appeals process. They are two COMPLETELY separate processes and approval of one is in no way meant to impact the approval of the other.
An APPEAL is exactly that, an appeal. You are pleading to the Zoning Board for purposes of circumventing existing ordinances, bylaws, and conformance guidelines. Crying that your appeal was denied is pretty pathetic, especially when it is very likely that they don't actually want any of your community-destroying drug infecting the township. While I personally am not against the use of marijuana, nor do I believe occasional consumption is particularly life-deatroying, the fact of the matter is that widespread cannabis availability leads to a pacifistic and useless population of welfare rats. City planners interested in growing a city's cleanliness, increasing average income per-capita, and fostering responsibility will be hard-pressed to grant such licensing, especially when it involves the circumvention of existing rules, which is exactly what an appeal to the Zoning Board is.
Mostly, you are just upset that you weren't granted a license to implement a non-conforming business so you could get rich off of enabling a bunch of irresponsible losers to self-destruct.
I'm the first person to speak out against government overreach and I do it loudly and often. Even I however, recognize that the ZBA in the Malden township made an appropriate choice for the good of the township. Thank you for picking a location that did not comply with existing laws, thus enabling the ZBA to deny your variance.
P.S. You're conflating the the business licensing requirements with the appeals process. They are two COMPLETELY separate processes and approval of one is in no way meant to impact the approval of the other.