This an appalling misrepresentation. The rally in support of the police was planned first. The organizer of.the BLM decided to protest our Event. They came intent to ruin our rally. But they couldn't. We.proudly showed our support for our police. Community and country. I left.there feeling proud. I'm still proud. And then the disgraceful media twisted it spewing down right lies and only showing photos and quotes that support their agenda. Do not trust the media. The media is tearing us apart.

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BLM and Support the Blue do not have to be mutually exclusive. Certainly we respect and need our officers of Peace. Black Lives Matter is not a denigration of the tens of thousands of the American Blue who strive to keep us safe. Many police officers across the Country understand and support BLM.

I am probably too late with

this suggestion, as I do not know if the flag issue has been finalized.

Why can't the DFD fly both the BLM and the Blue Lives Matter flags?

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